
 So, i guess the time has come for me to start using this site. I can resist no more! I took a look at your page and well, I liked what I saw.. :p So um, my name is Carmen Cox. I think me and you should probably be friends, because you seem pretty cool, and possibly cute! (it's so hard to tell in this digital world :) anyway, i'd go on and on, but I want to get an answer from you.. You should check out my other page on this other site, I'm always on over there: (my username is saucychicksta). Then maybe we could chat sometime! you know what they say.. looks catches the eyes, but personality wins over the heart.. haha.. talk to you soon, Carmen Cox


我哩勒,今天收到下面這封訊息,竟說愛我ㄉwebsite,COWBOY,老外最好看ㄉ懂中文。還說,外表可以迷惑眼睛,但個性才能贏得美人心,我哩勒!!!! 鬼才相信,我剛查ㄌㄧ下google,發現有一相似點,就是這句,"my username is saucychicksta"超多ㄉ。朋友ㄇ!!不要被騙ㄋㄟ~!!這各LINK,,可能是有毒ㄉ網站。 如果你想拼一下,連結上去吧!!!



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